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How to fold chemex paper filter

6 min.
2 pers.

Today, I’d like to share with you a great method to get the very best out of your Chemex coffee maker. Together, let’s learn how to fold chemex paper filter!

If you haven’t learned it already, you will no doubt be tempted to use the classic and most obvious method: as your Chemex filter is already pre-folded in four, all you need to do is place it in the Chemex. The only problem is that this leaves a filter that is three times thicker on one side than the other. Less coffee will pass through the thicker side, resulting in an irregular extraction. Which is a real shame, particularly when you’re using a precise piece of equipment like the Chemex. The alternative method, favoured by baristas, consists of folding the filter into a flower. This ensures a uniform level of thickness across the whole filter and, in turn, a much more consistent extraction. What’s more, the cone formed at the bottom of the filter will be narrower, meaning that there will be more contact between water and coffee. Your cup of coffee will therefore have a more intense flavour.

So… who’s up for a bit of origami?!

Preparing your Chemex filter

how to fold chemex paper filter


  • ground coffee
    30 g ground coffee (coarse grind)
  • Ingrédient Eau
    500 ml of water


  • Ingrédient Café moulu Chemex
    1 Chemex 6 cups
  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    1 filter for Chemex (preferably white)
  • Préparation Entretenir Moulin
    1 grinder
  • Matériel Balance
    1 scale
  • Matériel Bouilloire slow coffee
    1 gooseneck kettle


  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 1 Fold your Chemex filter into quarters.
  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 2 Find the corner with the most folds: this will become the bottom of the filter, through which the coffee will drip.
  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 3 Imagine a straight line running from this corner to the opposite one: this imaginary line will serve as a point of reference for the next two folds.
  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 4 Lift one side and place the edge along the imaginary line. Then fold into place.
  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 5 Turn the Chemex filter over and repeat the last fold. You will be left with a kite shape, with a fold on one face and the equivalent fold on the opposite face.
  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 6 Completely unfold the filter. You will see that one of the four original crease lines is folded the opposite way round to the other three. We’re going to correct this, so that all four folds are the same.
  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 7 Fold the filter in two, in order to reverse the fold.
  • Préparation Verser Chemex
    Step 8 Now simply place the filter in the Chemex coffee maker, and it will take shape all by itself. Be sure to fold back all the recesses, so that neither coffee nor water can slip through.
  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 1

    Fold your Chemex filter into quarters.

  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 2

    Find the corner with the most folds: this will become the bottom of the filter, through which the coffee will drip.

  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 3

    Imagine a straight line running from this corner to the opposite one: this imaginary line will serve as a point of reference for the next…

  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 4

    Lift one side and place the edge along the imaginary line. Then fold into place.

  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 5

    Turn the Chemex filter over and repeat the last fold. You will be left with a kite shape, with a fold on one face and…

  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 6

    Completely unfold the filter. You will see that one of the four original crease lines is folded the opposite way round to the other three.…

  • Matériel Entretien Filtre
    Step 7

    Fold the filter in two, in order to reverse the fold.

  • Préparation Verser Chemex
    Step 8

    Now simply place the filter in the Chemex coffee maker, and it will take shape all by itself. Be sure to fold back all the…

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MaxiCoffee’s tips for a successful Chemex

To make the infusion of your grind more harmonious, we advise you to make circular movements during your pouring. From the outside to the inside, then from the inside to the outside.

chemex coffee


To get the most out of the aromatic notes of your coffee prepared in Chemex, we recommend using light or medium roast coffees for this recipe, but if you prefer dark roast coffees, it’s ok too. This way, you will be able to appreciate the full expression of your coffee’s terroir in a light cup that is straight out of a work of art.

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So there you have it! Now you know the barista’s secret how to fold chemex paper filter for your Chemex. All that remains is to pour yourself a great cup of coffee!

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