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travel mugs

Travel mugs & Insulated bottles: your environmentally-friendly companions!

Issues related to protecting the environment have never been so urgent, and we’re gradually beginning to accept that everyone has their own role to play. It means that we all need to think about drinking tea and coffee responsibly, starting with the amount of waste we produce every time we have a drink. But don’t worry, I’m not talking about dramatical changes to your habits of a lifetime! Today, I’d just like to propose one simple adjustment to your routine that will make a world of difference. All you need to do is make sure you have a travel mug with you each time you head to the coffee machine at work or to the coffee shop for a to-go drink. Practical and eco-friendly, your travel mug will soon become a trusty companion to your everyday life.

The coffee break at work

coffee break at work

Do you know how many people use the coffee machine or water cooler over the course of a working day? A lot. And each time, another plastic cup is used and then discarded forever. Yet it’s so easy to replace those little disposable cups with a reusable alternative. What if, rather than using a new cup each time, you used a travel mug instead? Travel mugs are suddenly all the rage: white ones, colourful ones, printed ones and textured ones… there’s something for everyone! All you need to do is take your own mug, select your drink and the machine will do the rest! If we all made this small adjustment to our routines, there would be far fewer tons of plastic to recycle each year, which would represent another little victory in the battle to save our planet. The principle behind the eco-friendly travel mug is based on one simple observation: a huge amount of disposable cups get used every day, often without a moment’s thought. Reusable mugs were therefore invented to reduce the amount of plastic waste we generate on a daily basis. You can use your reusable mug or insulated bottle day after day, whether at work or on the move. And it isn’t just for hot drinks! You can also use it to keep your favourite iced coffee or iced tea nice and cool.

The travel mug: coffee or tea wherever you want, whenever you want

Do you often order drinks to go? Ever thought about asking to be served in your own mug, instead of a disposable cardboard or plastic cup? It makes sense, since your drink will remain at the right temperature for much longer. And what’s more, you’ll reduce your carbon footprint. Many coffee places now also offer incentives if you use your own mug or tumbler!

No more spilled drinks!

Have you ever accidentally lost the entire contents of your mug because of an accident in the morning chaos or during a desperate chase for the bus? Thankfully, many travel mugs are designed to be 100% leakproof. So you can shake it around, run down the stairs four steps at a time or throw your bag in the car, without having to worry about the consequences. Just fill your travel mug, pop it in your bag and forget about it until you get thirsty!

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